During Orthodontic Treatment
Our treatment philosophy at Dr H C Leong Dental Surgeon is to minimizing discomfort to our patients. We use generally use very light forces in our orthodontic treatment to minimize discomfort and speed up treatment. Heavy forces (while sometimes necessary) have been shown to actually slow down tooth movement.
However during the first 3 to 5 days, your teeth may be a little tender and sensitive to cold/hot. This will soon pass off as you get used to your braces. If necessary, take a mild painkiller e.g. Paracetamol. How long will I need to have braces on? Most cases take about two years. The more difficult/complex the case, the longer it is likely to take How will braces affect my lifestyle?
During orthodontic treatment In general you can eat anything you feel comfortable with but:
Braces do trap food and plaque and a common complication of orthodontic treatment is caries (tooth decay) and gingivitis/periodontitis (gum disease).
It is important to maintain a rigorious oral hygiene routine particularly after each meal. Using a fluoride mouthrinse can be helpful. Floss-threaders are helpful in passing floss under archwires to facilitate flossing of the teeth. Watch video |
Attend all treatment appointments
Orthodontic treatment progress needs to be monitored regularly. Changes need to be made to the braces from time to time as treatment progresses so it is essential that you attend all treatment appointments. If you are unable to attend any appointment, please contact our clinic immediately and we will schedule a follow-up appointment. Closely follow all instructions given During orthodontic treatment there are times when we will need you to carry out certain procedures between appointments. The most commonly required is to change elastics (rubber bands) regularly. It is important that you follow the instructions closely and not alter/modify the procedure (for example if you are to place 1 elastic, you should not put more than 1 elastic each time) Neglecting to attend to your dental appointment or not following the proper procedures/instructions can lead to: 1) slower treatment and delayed completion 2) treatment complications 3) unsuccessful or less than completely successful treatment Because of the risk of complications, we reserve the right, in the interest of the patient, to discontinue the treatment of any patient who repeatedly fails to attend appointments and does not follow treatment instructions. There also will be additional charges to correct any complications that arise from failing to attend appointments. Do take note that there are some complications which cannot be corrected. Use of orthodontic wax Orthodontic wax (made from bee wax, naturally found in honey) should only be used if an ulcer or sore spot as formed. Pinch a small amount(the size of a bracket) and roll into a ball. Apply on the dry bracket/band/ wire by flatten the ball and place it completely over the area of the braces causing irritation or discomfort. It is not to be applied to the cheek/lip. Completion of orthodontic treatment
Completion of active orthodontic treatment occurs when all active tooth movements have been completed and the treatment appliance is removed. Our commitment for the orthodontic treatment package ends at this point. All outstanding balances must be settled in full before the appliance is removed. At this point the first set of retainers (which are usually part of the treatment package) will be fabricated and issued. A review will be scheduled at 6 months and 12 months after completion (they can be scheduled as part of your routine dental checkups). You should bring your retainer along for these reviews. |
In the event of emergencies, unexpected events or broken/dislodged components, do not panic - contact our clinic immediately should any part of the orthodontic appliance be damaged or come loose. Most of the time these events are not emergencies but it is best if they are attended to as quickly as possible.
You can reach us at +(65) 9671-1096 or [email protected]
You can reach us at +(65) 9671-1096 or [email protected]
Self help for problems during orthodontics
What can you do about braces (ligature) wire poking out at the cheek?
You may use some dental wax to cover up the pointy bit that is causing discomfort. If a ligature wire (the thin wire tied around your bracket) is sticking out from under the arch wire and bracket, take the blunt end of a plastic tea-spoon or tooth brush and gently push the wire back under the arch wire and bracket. Watch video Why can't we shorten the ligature "tail"? 1. The "tail" constitutes the knot that holds the ligature in place and if it is cut too short, the whole ligature is likely to come undone. 2. The "tail" can be tucked underneath the arch wire to keep it from irritating the cheek or lips. However if it is too short, the sharp end will protrude in front of the arch wire and will be impossible to tuck under it. As your teeth shift or retract, the arch will get smaller, therefore "excess" arch wire will poke out the back as your teeth retract. If the arch wire has shifted, please call at your earliest convenience to schedule an appointment.
You may want to place a cotton ball, gauze, tissue paper or dental wax behind the area as an interim measure while you are waiting to get the excess wire cut by your dentist. The archwire may flex and pop out of the last band or bracket that is holding it when you eat certain food. Simply use your fingers or tweezers to reinsert the archwire into the tube that was holding the wire. |